We issued certificates of origin until 2010. The Free Trade Agreement between Mercosur and Israel went into effect April 28, 2010, and certificates of origin are currently issued and authenticated strictly by entities authorized by the Foreign Trade Secretariat – Secex. We indicate the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo https://www.fiesp.com.br/certificado-de-origem-2/ or Fecomércio https://lab.fecomercio.com.br/oportunidades/certificado-de-origem/
Hebrew and Arabic are the official languages of Israel. For business and tourism, most people speak English.
The Israeli currency is the New Israeli Shekel (NIS). Upon arrival in Israel, you can withdraw shekels at ATMs or at currency exchange kiosks in the airport lobby.
Brazilians traveling to Israel for tourism do not require a visa, only a passport valid for more than six months after the return date. If the stay exceeds 90 days, a special visa is then required.
The B/1 visa – Work visa is required when the traveler is going to stay in Israel for work, given by a company in the country.
The information available is the Free Trade Agreement in Portuguese and English and Annexes I (preferences granted by Mercosur) and Annex II (preferences granted by Israel). See here.
The Chamber does not provide this service. To verify the reduction of tax rates, you must contact a customs broker or trading company.
BR = Brazil / IL = Israel
Brazil-Israel Chamber